
Exploring the Exciting Possibilities at IRANTEX 2024

On August 19-22, 2024, the 30th IRAN International Textile Exhibition (IRAN TEX 2024) was successfully held in Tehran Permanent International Exhibition Center, and this exhibition has become an important event for the textile industry in Iran and even the Middle East with its large-scale and far-reaching influence. In order to explore a larger market, Shijiazhuang Yanhui Dye Co.,Ltd also came to the exhibition.



At IRANTEX 2024, we are looking forward to welcoming both new and old customers to our booth, where they will have the opportunity to explore our diverse product portfolio and learn more about the innovative solutions we offer. Our team is excited to engage with visitors, providing insights into the unique properties and applications of our dyes, as well as discussing potential avenues for collaboration.


Note: There is a constant stream of customers coming to the exhibition booth.

The exhibition attracted 170 Iranian companies and 120 foreign companies from 13 countries. During the exhibition, we visited companies related to the industry and introduced our products to them:

For Some denim factories,For denim dyeing, it can be use:Liquid Indigo Blue,Indigo Blue Podwer, Sulphur Black and Liquid Sulphur Black.

For our common yarn dyeing,frequently used ones include:Reactive Red 3BS.Red Yellow 4GL.Reactive Brilliant P-3R.Disperse Blue 56.Disperse red 60.Disperse Black ECT、ECO and so on.

For some wool, carpet dyeing, can use our acid dyes,such as:Acid Yellow AY 49. Acid Blue.AB 225. Acid violet AV 48.

In addition, we also launched a new product, Malachite Green, which is lead free, which is a major breakthrough, achieving 0 lead! Our Malachite Green production process has also applied for patent protection, the only one.


Note: Booth map of some exhibitors on site

As we prepare for IRANTEX 2024, we are focused on showcasing not only our products but also the collaborative spirit that defines our approach to business.After the exhibition, we visited some new and old customers to better understand the local market trends, which provided a great help for us to promote our products.


Note:An appointment with some clients after the show

We invite all attendees to visit our booth and experience firsthand the passion and expertise that define Shijiazhuang Yanhui Dye Co., Ltd.

After the exhibition, we visited the local attractions, we saw the spectacular architecture that we have never seen before, and felt the local customs of Iran. Too many pictures and no witness to make people feel amazing!


Good looking fun have seen and felt, the following should be delicious, have to these look very appetite, very delicate!


The successful holding of this exhibition not only provides a window for domestic and foreign textile enterprises to display the latest products and technologies, but also provides a rare opportunity for professionals in the industry to communicate. Through this exhibition, not only deepened the cooperation and exchanges between domestic and foreign enterprises, but also injected new vitality into the development of the textile industry in Iran and even in the Middle East.

The short 4-day exhibition came to a successful end, and we look forward to seeing you next time!

Post time: Sep-13-2024